Breeding and Territorial Behaviour of Indian Black Robin (Copsychus fulicata leucoptera) in Mihintale, Sri Lanka
Indian Black Robin (Copsychus fulicata leucoptera) ( Lesson, 1840) is one of the territorial birds often found in all climatic zones in Sri Lanka. Territory size of this birds species is vary according to the breeding season and habitats that they occupy. The present study was carried out to understand the breeding ecology and territorial behavior of Indian Black robin both in breeding and non-breeding periods. The study was carried out at the Mihintale sanctuary and the Faculty premises of Rajarata university of Sri Lanka. Eleven breeding pairs of Black robins were observed to collect using scan and focal animal sampling methods from 2014 to 2017. Territory mapping was done using ArcGIS 10.3 and % behavioral act was calculated using Microsoft excel. Two breeding seasons were identified during March to September. The average nest building period was13.25±0.96 days. Total of 10 nests were recorded, seven were successful nests but chicks were observed from only three of them while in other four of them were damaged due to several reasons. Three nests were abandon by the female bird with eggs which may considered as pseudo nests. The eggs were whitish in colour with small brownish blotches. The clutch size ranged from 2-4. The average incubation period was 11± 3.4 days. The identified foraging sites are nearby roads, human settlements and live foliage. Fifteen territories were recorded during the study period in the open land areas, sparse grasslands or scrublands. The territory sizes of non-breeding season ranged from 617 to 5504 m2 while territories of breeding season ranged from 1335 to 8736 m2.
Copsychus fulicata leucoptera; Territory; Nests; ConservatioReferences
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