Spatio-Temporal Change of Atmospheric Precipitation on Territory of North-West of Ukraine
The direction of the trend of precipitation over time is an important characteristic for both theoretical and practical use. The presented study is devoted to the analysis of changes in the territory of the trend of precipitation over the year over time. At the present stage of climate change in the north-west of Ukraine, there is a general tendency to increase rainfall over the year. This trend is not the same across the territory and depends on the height and latitude of the area. The amount of precipitation varies both in space and in time, however, the distribution of the characteristics of the rains themselves (intensity, duration and others) continue to remain similar throughout the territory. The revealed features of changes in the amount of precipitation in space and time can be useful in studying the unevenness of wetting, forecasting floods, changes in erosion activity, etc.
Precipitation characteristics; Trend; Territory; Meteorological station; Long-term observationsReferences
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