The Possibilities of Using the Minimax Method to Diagnose the State of the Atmosphere
The article is devoted to the discussion of the possibilities of approbation of one of the probabilistic methods of verification of evaluation works - the minimax method or the method of establishing the minimum risk of making erroneous diagnoses of the instability of the planetary boundary layer of air. Within the framework of this study, the task of probabilistic forecasting of diagnostic parameters and their combinations, leading in their totality to the formation of an unstable state of the planetary boundary layer of the atmosphere, was carried out. It is this state that, as shown by previous studies, a priori contribution to the development of a number of weather phenomena dangerous for society (squalls, hail, heavy rains, etc.). The results of applying the minimax method made it possible to identify a number of parameters, such as the intensity of circulation, the activity of the Earth’s magnetosphere, and the components of the geostrophic wind velocity, the combination of which led to the development of instability. In the future, it is possible to further expand the number of diagnosed parameters to identify more sensitive elements. In this sense, the minimax method, the usefulness of which is shown in this study, can be considered as one of the preparatory steps for the subsequent more detailed method for forecasting individual hazardous weather phenomena.
Minimax method; Dangerous weather phenomena; Atmospheric instability; Boundary layer of the atmosphere; Intensity of atmospheric circulation; Earth’s magnetosphere; Geostrophic windReferences
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