Microclimatic Zonation and Climatic Variability of Sikkim Himalaya
The Köppen classification of climate integrates precipitation and temperature information with natural vegetation patterns to create a precise representation of any particular region's climate. This integration depends on the empirical relationship of climate and vegetation, which indicates that distinct locations in the same class have similar vegetation attributes. Köppen climatic classification factors are explained and Sikkim's climate characteristics are regionalized based on it. The method for making representations of air temperatures and precipitation has been described, and an illustration of Sikkim's climatic zones with variability is generated as a result of these changes. The geographic pattern of climatic types and subtypes in Sikkim has been briefly addressed using an available high-resolution gridded dataset (ERA5-Land). This is described that the constraints of microclimatic zonation emanate from the empirical prerequisite of climate classifications, as well as the nature of data selection and the methodologies employed for climate variability analysis and classification. Based on the Köppen classification for the long term (1980–2021), the Sikkim Himalaya contains three primary climatic classes, particularly ETc (cold, tundra, and cool summer), Cfc (moderately warm, humid, and cool summer), and Cfb (moderately warm, humid, and warm summer). Climate variability on the basis of temperature and precipitation change with respect to 1980–2021 over the entire Sikkim Himalaya concludes that the climatic pattern of the Sikkim has been changed from cold-dry to warm-wet. The alteration in the corresponding climatic pattern is further supported by changes in LULC and NDVI. The results suggest that the precipitation change in the past two decades (1980–2000) is negative, while a significant positive change has been noticed in the recent two decades (2001–2021). Subsequently, the number of extremely wet days decreases in the entire ETc and Cfc climate zones. Regardless, the southern part of the Cfb climatic zone has experienced an increase in extremely wet days. This study's findings will significantly contribute to the development of future policies and initiatives by providing insights crucial for achieving sustainable development, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation.
Climate variability; Köppen classification; Himalaya; ERA5-Land; Climate change impacts; ExtremesReferences
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