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The anomaly of the summer sea temperature is analyzed by a spatial-temporal synthetically rotated orthogonal function (REOF) at three different depths (0 m, 40 m, and 120 m) over the area 110°E~100°W and 30°S~60°N. The spatial-temporal distribution shows that the “signal” of annual anomaly is stronger in the sub-surface layer than the surface layer, and it is stronger in the eastern... More
This study aims to examine the atmospheric conditions characterising fog phenomena on the Senegalese coast focusing on two specific instances that occurred on April 3 and April 30, 2023. These events were detected by the LIDAR Ceilometer installed at LPAOSF/ESP/UCAD and confirmed on the METARs of the meteorological stations at Dakar and Diass airports. The... More
Dust storms are commonly occurring phenomena in Tajikistan. The known aridity of the region is a major factor in promoting numerous dust storms. They have many diverse impacts on the environment and the climate of the region. The classification of dust storms and synoptic conditions related to their formation in Central Asia are discussed in... More
In past few decades, climate has manifested numerous shifts in its trend. Various natural and anthropogenic factors have influenced the dynamics and the trends of climate change at longer time scale. To understand the long term climate fluctuations, we have analyzed forty years (1978 - 2018) data of ten climatic parameters that are responsible... More
This study examines long-term rainfall and temperature variations over a dry tropical environment in Nigeria. An assessment of the variations of these weather variables showcases the extent of climate change limits and corresponding effects on the biotic environment. Rainfall and temperature data were obtained from Nigerian Meteorological Agency for a period of 31 years (1991-2020)... More
The assumption of M. Milankovich about the constancy of the Earth's albedo during the interglacial period was replaced with the alternative one. The model was developed where anomalies of the average annual temperature of the surface atmosphere were related with interannual changes in the planetary albedo and the thermal inertia of the hydrosphere. The... More
Climatic changes and their impact are increasingly evident in Pakistan, especially in the mountainous regions. Mountain ecosystems are considered to be sensitive indicators of global warming; even slight variations in temperature can lead to significant shifts in local climate, which can, in turn, drastically affect the natural environment, subsequently altering people’s lifestyle and wildlife habitats.... More
The identification method in the CurveExpert-1.40 software environment revealed asymmetric wavelets of changes in the average monthly temperature of New Delhi from 1931 to 2021. The maximum increment for 80 years of the average monthly temperature of 5.1°C was in March 2010. An analysis of the wave patterns of the dynamics of the average monthly temperature... More
Due to global climate change it is important to constantly monitor the current climate state, observed trends and timely detection of their changes. The change in the hydrothermal regime has to result into changes in natural ecosystems. The analysis of long-term changes of mean annual temperatures and annual precipitation in warm and cold seasons over... More
The regularities of the dynamics of the average annual temperature of Berlin from 1701 to 2021 are revealed. A total of 65 wavelets were received. The temperature has a high quantum certainty, and the change in the average annual temperature of Berlin was identified by a model that contains only two components for prediction. The... More
As the world’s population has tripled (3x) since 1950, with another 50% increase expected by 2100, global annual carbon dioxide emissions growth rate has quadrupled (4x) since 1950 and global energy demand has quintupled (5x), all in the same time period. This discontinuous combination can be called a “3-4-5 Triad” and the sudden acceleration... More
The identification method revealed asymmetric fluctuations in the dynamics of the average annual temperature in New Delhi from 1931 to 2021, that is, for 90 years. An analysis of the wave patterns of climate until 2110 was carried out. Geotechnology of the Himalayan passage was proposed to reduce heat waves in India and China. Formulas... More
Internal Kelvin Wave (KW) propagation is studied about variations in the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) over the tropical Pacific. Temperature and Salinity (TS) observations have been used to define the vertical structure of the ocean about the propagation properties of KWs. Changes in the vertical structure of the water column determine consistent zonal variations... More
Abstract: In work features of a hydrological regime of catchments of the river of the Pripyat in climate change are considered. Researches of meteorological characteristics of the given territory show the tendency to growth, both temperatures of air, and precipitation, evaporation from a surface of water and ground also show the tendency to increase. That is... More
The temperature is one of the most important factors in weather and climate forecasting. Studying its behaviour is crucial to understanding climate variability, which could vary spatially and temporally at local, regional, and global scales. Several recent studies on air temperature findings show that the Earth' s near surface air temperature increased between 0.6 °C... More
Atmospheric radiative fluxes are evaluated for the line-by-line model of spectral lines in considering the atmosphere as a weakly nonuniform plane layer and altitude profiles of its parameters are taken from the model of standard atmosphere. Concepts of molecular spectroscopy are combined with the local thermodynamic equilibrium for greenhouse gases and with information from... More
The height profile of atmospheric temperature data between 12 km and 100 km was obtained from SABER/TIMED satellite instruments during the year 2016 and used to characterize the three atmospheric pauses temporal variability of height and temperature over Bahir Dar, Ethiopia (11.60 N, 37.30 E). The daily, monthly, and frequency distributions of tropopause-stratopause-mesopause height and... More