Non-fragile Dynamic Output Feedback H∞ Control for a Class of Uncertain Switched Systems with Time-varying Delay
The problem of non-fragile dynamic output feedback H∞ control for a class of uncertain switched systems with time-varying delay is discussed. Firstly, the form of non-fragile dynamic output feedback H∞ controller is given. Under the condition that the upper bound of time delay and the upper bound of delay derivative are limited simultaneously, Lyapunov functional and its corresponding switching rules are constructed by using single Lyapunov function method and convex combination technique; Secondly, we use the inequality lemma to scale the derived Lyapunov functional in order to eliminate the time-varying delay term in the inequality, and then introduce the J-function to obtain a nonlinear matrix inequality that satisfies the H∞ performance index γ, we also employ Schur complement lemma to transform the nonlinear matrix inequality into set of linear matrix inequalities consisting of two linear matrix inequalities, a sufficient condition for the existence of a non-fragile dynamic output feedback H∞ controller and satisfying the H∞ performance index γ is concluded for a class of uncertain switching systems with variable time delay; Finally, a switched system composed of two subsystems is considered and the effectiveness and practicability of the theorem are illustrated by numerical simulation with LMI toolbox.
Single Lyapunov function; Uncertainty; H∞ control; Non-fragile; Output feedbackReferences
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