Wireless Power Transfer for 6G Network Using Monolithic Components on GaN
A novel architecture for Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) module usingmonolithic components on GaN is presented in this paper. The design ofsuch a WPT module receives DC power from solar panels, consists ofphotonic power converter (PPC), beamforming antenna, low pass filter,input matching network, rectifier, output matching network and logic circuit(off-chip) which are all integrated on a GaN chip. Our WPT componentsshow excellent simulated performance, for example, our novel beamforming antenna and multiple port wideband antenna have a gain of 8.7 dBand 7.3 dB respectively. We have added a band pass filter to the rectifieroutput which gives two benefits to the circuit. The first one is filteringcircuit will remove unwanted harmonics before collecting DC power andsecond is filter will boost the efficiency of rectifier by optimizing the loadimpedance. Our proposed rectifier has RF-DC conversion efficiency of74% and 67% with beam-forming antenna and multiple port wide bandantenna respectively. Our WPT module is designed to charge a rechargeablebattery (3 V and 1 mA) of a radio module which will be used between twoantennas in future 5G networks. We believe our proposed WPT modulearchitecture is unique and it is applicable to both microwave and millimeterwave systems such as 6G.Keywords:
Wireless power transfer; Antenna; Rectifier; FilterReferences
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