Circular Ribbon Antenna Array Design For Imaging Application
Our goal is to develop THz module on chip to visualize bone grinding atthe early stage so that arthritis can be visualized and treated early. A criticalcomponent of such module is antenna. A compact 4 by 4 beamformingantenna array for biomedical application is presented in this paper. Weare proposing a novel antenna which is in the form of a circular ribbonshape with a gold patch. Gold material for the patch is used to enhance itsconductivity and to cut down backward radiation. Differential port pin usedto increase the bandwidth. Au-posts are finally used for output connection.The proposed antenna operates over the frequency band from 201 GHz tomore than 228 GHz. Directivity and gain of the proposed antenna are 13dB and 7 dB respectively. This makes it applicable for imaging systemsbecause of the frequency band for biomedical imaging. Index Terms—Beamforming antenna, antenna array, Advanced design system (ADS),Biomedical imaging.Keywords:
Beamforming antenna; Antenna array; Advanced design system (ADS); Biomedical imagingReferences
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