Ge-based Medium Wave Infrared MCT 1280 × 1024 Focal Plane Detector
Medium-wave HgCdTe thin films grown on germanium-based substrates by molecular beam epitaxy were treated by large area n-on-p injection junction and flip-flop mixing process. The chips interconnected with low-noise and multimodal options readout circuit composed a 1280×1024 Medium-wave Infrared Focal Plane Cooling Detector whose pixel spacing was 15 microns. Its main photoelectric properties are average NETD equivalent to 18.5 mK, non-uniformity equivalent to 7.5%, operability equivalent to 98.97%. The paper also studies the substrate-removal technique on Germanium-based chip, which improves the stability and reliability of detector.
Germanium substrate; Megapixel; Mercury cadmium tellurium; Medium wave focal plane detector; Back thinningReferences
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