Application of integrated formation evaluation and three-dimensional modeling in shale gas prospect identification
Identifying the shale gas prospect is crucial for gas extraction from such reservoirs. Junggar Basin (in Northwest China) is widely considered to have high potential as a shale gas resource, and the Jurassic, the most significant gas source strata, is considered as prospective for shale gas exploration and development. This study evaluated the Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation shale gas potential combined with geochemical, geological, and well logging data, and built a three-dimensional (3D) model to exhibit favorable shale gas prospects. In addition, methane sorption capacity was tested for verifying the prospects. The Badaowan shale had an average total organic carbon (TOC) content of 1.30 wt. % and vitrinite reflectance (Ro) ranging from 0.47% to 0.81% with dominated type III organic matter (OM). X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses showed that mineral composition of Badaowan shale was fairly homogeneous and dominated by clay and brittle minerals. 67 wells were used to identify prospective shale intervals and to delineate the area of prospects. Consequently, three Badaowan shale gas prospects in the Junggar Basin were identified: the northwestern margin prospect, eastern Central Depression prospect and Wulungu Depression prospect. The middle interval of the northwestern margin prospect was considered to be the most favorable exploration target benefitted by wide distribution and high lateral continuity. Generally, methane sorption capacity of the Badaowan shale was comparable to that of the typical gas shales with similar TOC content, showing a feasible gas potential.
Shale gas; Prospect; Prospective interval; Badaowan Formation; Junggar BasinReferences
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