Estimating and studying groundwater recharge is necessary and important for the management of water resources. The main aim of this work is to estimate the value of the annual recharge in some parts of the Kermanshah and Kurdistan province located in the west of Iran. There are many approaches available for estimation of the recharge,... More
The geology of the Zango-Daji area was investigated petrographically and geochemically to determine the study area’s rock types and mineralization potential. The study area is underlain by rocks of the basement complex characterized by hilly and undulating rocks, which include granitic gneiss, migmatite gneiss, biotite hornblende granite gneiss, and pegmatites. Observation from the field shows... More
The research of an analysis of aeromagnetic data collected in the middle Benue Trough in north-central Nigeria is presented. A detailed analysis of basement structures is conducted in order to identify regions with high hydrocarbon potential that is different from those discovered by earlier researchers. Aeromagnetic data were filtered by using the Butterworth and Gaussian... More
Structural failure has been recently happenings mostly in the commercially populated states along the coastal line in Nigeria. As a result, an open field at a chosen location in Abuja, Nigeria, was investigated. For the purpose of this study, test bores were drilled and Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were conducted at every 1.5 m interval... More