Abstract: The present article is a review study on the types of rare earth elements (REEs), environmental and biological effects as well as the sources of emission of these elements as pollution in nature. The purpose of this study is to provide a vision in environmental planning and control of pollution caused by REEs. The evaluation... More
This Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Air Pollution,research is carried out to analysis Hydro-meteorological and groundwater data in Kabul Sub-basins, Afghanistan. The main objective of this research is to find out natural causes of climate change effects on surface and to,groundwater resources and air pollutions, these data are collected from diferent Hydrometeoroiogical stations and observations in Kabul Subbasins... More
This short study aims to highlight contradictions in Ochsenius’s model for the basin-wide salt generation (Kara-Bogas bay desiccation). Without claiming completeness, and through numerous records cited from the specific literature, we attempt to point at crucial incoherencies in the classical evaporitic model. In our presupposition, these might have led our ancestors to conclude that basin-wide... More
This study aims to account for the petrogenesis and mineralization of pegmatites around the Wowyen area, northcentral basement complex,Nigeria. Field studies, petrography and whole rock geochemistry (Major oxides were estimated by X-Ray Fluorescence while the trace elements were estimated by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) where the methods adopted. The pegmatites around Wowyen area are emplaced in the remobilized belt of the... More