In geology we often revise theoretical models; upon finding new evidence,such as the discovery of methane hydrates, the initial model will be challenged immediately. Hereby the authors put forward two postulates:1) There is a third, previously unexplored source of methane in the Transylvanian Basin, based on a new theoretical approach on methane hydrate formation; 2) The dissociation of methane... More
Hydrogeochemical surveys were conducted in parts of the Proterozoic Shillong basin in Meghalaya to locate the unconformity-related uranium deposits, related alteration patterns, and the influence of the rock formations on the groundwater solute chemistry. Shillong Basin comprises Proterozoic metasediments and felsic volcanics of Tyrsad Formation, undeformed arenaceous Barapani Formation with intrusive granites, and metabasic sills and dykes. The groundwater quality is determined... More
The roles played by divalent cations (calcium, magnesium and iron) of rock minerals in the efficiency of mineral carbonation have been investigated. Statistical modeling with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) having configuration ANN[17-4-1] shows that carbonation efficiency largely increases as the quantity of calcium content increases. Averagely,there is approximately 5% rise in the original efficiency for... More
Present study is aimed at assessment of geotechnical properties of Laki limestone as coarse aggregate which is being quarried in Nooriabad area, Sindh, Pakistan. Coarse aggregate samples (n=20) of limestone were collected for the evaluation of physico-mechanical properties of the aggregate. Petrographic analysis revealed that the aggregate comprises of hard, compact, massive, crystalline and fossiliferous... More
Peridotite xenoliths, raised to the surface by alkaline basalts or kimberlites,provide us direct information on the processes and composition of the upper mantle. They are the major source of information on the state of stress,pressure and temperature in the deep mantle. They are thus a source of petrological and geochemical information that is generally not... More