An environment friendly and cost effective factor of collapsible soil stabilization with the help of industrial waste has been widely adopted in this research. Buildings which are constructed on collapsible soils are subjected to large deformations and shear failure. Collapsible soil can be broadly categorized as those soils susceptible to a large reduction in volume... More
Mount Cameroon is a Plio-Quaternary volcanic massif, without a central crater, made up of more than 140 pyroclastic cones. It is one of the active volcanoes of the Cameroon Volcanic Line. Mount Cameroon melt inclusions are found in microdroplets trapped in the early minerals (olivines) from the pyroclastic products. The analysis of these melt inclusions allowed us to find primitive liquids... More
The geology of the Olode area, south-western Nigeria was investigated petrographically and geochemically in order to elucidate the mineralisation potential of the rock units in the area. The area under study is generally change to underlained by granite gneiss, mica schist and pegmatites. Petrographical studies indicated prevalence of anhedral quartz (30 - 50%), plagioclase (14 -20%), orthoclase (12 - 15%), muscovite... More