Re-examination of Hydrochemistry and Groundwater Potentials of Cross River and Imo-Kwa-Ibo Intersecting Tropical Basins of SouthSouth Nigeria
This review attempted a detailed description of geological and hydrogeological configurations of Cross River and Imo-Akwa Ibo basins. It presented a synthesis of hydrochemistry and a description of the hydrogeological configurations of the two basins. Hydrogeologically, most areas under Cross River and Imo-Kwa-Ibo are poor in terms of groundwater potentials. Based on the hydrochemistry, the basins hold water of excellent quality. Groundwater sources fall in soft to moderately hard classes. The entire sources groundwater has a TDS concentration of less than 500 mg/l. Groundwater classification based on electrical conductivity (EC) showed EC levels were less than 500 µS/cm. Most of the examined cations and anions are within WHO reference guidelines for drinking water quality. However, no broadanalysis of water quality based on water quality indices. Also, studies modeling pollution or the impact of land use changes on groundwater quality are wanting. Thus, further analysis of the hydrochemistry of groundwater aquifers is recommended.Keywords:
Cross River Basin; Imo-Kwa-Ibo Basin; Hydrogeology; HydrochemistryReferences
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Copyright © 2020 Saadu Umar Wali, Ibrahim Mustapha Dankani, Sheikh Danjuma Abubakar, Murtala Abubakar Gada, Kabiru Jega Umar, Abdulqadir Abubakar Usman, Ibrahim Mohammad Shera

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