Examination of Surface Water Along River-Rima Floodplain in Wamakko, Sokoto State, Nigeria
This study examined the hydrochemistry of surface water along the River-Rima floodplain area. Five sampling locations were purposively selected, and, in each point, three samples were taken from surface water (river).The sampling was repeated after 20 days. Thus, a total of 30 samples werecollected. Water samples obtained were subjected to laboratory tests. Results revealed that BOD, TDS, Mg2+, and Fe3+ are above the World HealthOrganization (WHO) and Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) reference guidelines for drinking water quality. Isolates detected from the coliform bacteriological analysis include Enterobacter aerogene, Escherichiacoli, and Citrobacter freundii with most of the samples showing coliform bacteria growth above the SON standard for drinking water. Hence, the water in the River-Rima floodplain of the Wamakko area is of low quality and unsafe for drinking. Results of principal component analysis (PCA)revealed external influences such as pollutant wash off and rock weatheringas controls on hydrochemistry of surface water. There is some indication of anthropogenic inputs (Cl- , NO3- , and PO4 2-) based on hierarchical cluster analysis. Elements including Cl-, NO3-, and PO42- are increasingly added into surface water from human activities, mainly agriculture, and municipal sewage.Keywords:
Surface water pollution; Agricultural activities; Bacteriological analysisReferences
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Copyright © 2020 Abdulqadir Abubakar Usman, Murtala Abubakar Gada, Aminu Muhammad Bayawa, Ibrahim Mustapha Dankani, Saadu Umar Wali

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