Utilization of Marble Dust for Improving The Geotechnic Characteristics Of Collapsible Soil
An environment friendly and cost effective factor of collapsible soil stabilization with the help of industrial waste has been widely adopted in this research. Buildings which are constructed on collapsible soils are subjected to large deformations and shear failure. Collapsible soil can be broadly categorized as those soils susceptible to a large reduction in volume upon wetting. The mechanism usually involved in rapid volume reduction entails breaking of bonds at coarse particle contacts by weakening of fine grained materials brought there by surface tension in evaporating water. This research presents the effects of using marble dust on the geotechnical properties of Collapsible soil as a new stabilizing technique. A series of experimental tests are carried for samples of collapsing soil with and without stabilization using marble dust for dry and soaked conditions. The collapsible soil was mixed with marble dust at different contents of (0, 10, 20, 30%,40% and 50%). The results indicated that, The optimum water content decreases by 20.67% at marble content of 50%, liquid limit decreses by35.41% at marble content of 50% and frictional angle for soaked soil decreases by 66.09% at marble content of 50% while un soaked soil decreases by54.68% at marble content of 50%. The maximum dry density increases 5.91% at marble content of 50% and cohesion for soaked increases 314.2% at marble content of 50% while un soaked soil increases 206.7% at marble content of 50%. It has been found that the adopted marble has a good effect in controlling the collapsing potential which is reduced by as much as 64.32% at marble content of 30%.
Collapsible soil; Marble dust; Compaction; Atterberg; Shear StrengthReferences
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Copyright © 2020 Ashraf Nazir, Moustafa El Sawwaf, Wasiem Azzam, Mohamed Ata

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