Factor Analysis of the Parameters of Samples of the Steppe Soil and Grass Of Mongolia and Inland Mongolia of China on the Eastern Transsect of the Eurasian Steppe
Regularities of rank distributions and binary relations between nine parameters are given. The most active are the geographical coordinates of 48 test sites. This proves that the geomorphology of the steppes in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia is becoming decisive. Factor analysis showed that the first four places for influencing variables and dependent indicators are the same:in the first place is the northern latitude, the second is the east longitude,the third is the average annual precipitation, and the fourth is the intensity of sheep grazing. The rest of the factors are located in different ways. The density of organic carbon was only in ninth place as an influencing variable,and in seventh place as a dependent indicator. This is based on the fact that organic carbon is an accumulative (cumulative) parameter over many years.The productivity of the biomass of steppe grass as an influencing variable is in sixth place, and as a dependent indicator (criterion) only in ninth place.This parameter is seasonal, therefore, in comparison with organic carbon, it is highly dynamic. The average annual temperature as an influencing variable is in fifth place,but as a dependent indicator only in eighth place. This was influenced by the strong averaging of the parameter (average value for the year). Plants are strongly influenced by the temperature dynamics during the growing season, and even more by the sum of temperatures during the growing season. With the productivity of steppe grass less than 75 g / m2 , the intensity of sheep grazing is zero. According to the second term of the trend, an optimum of 270 g / m2 appears with the maximum intensity of sheep grazing on average 65 pcs / km2 . The first fluctuation shows that with an increase in grass biomass, there is a loss of stability of the grass cover with an exponential growth of the amplitude. The second oscillation is dangerous in that with an increase in the biomass of the grass,the half-period of the oscillation sharply decreases and this will also lead to the collapse of the steppe grass. From the remnants of the effect of sheep grazing on grass biomass, it can be seen that there are three clusters: (1) from 0 to 30; (2) from 30 to 95; (3) more than 95 pcs / km2 . In this case, the variability of the productivity of the grass decreases.
Mongolia; Steppes; Soil; Grass; Parameters; Relationships; PatternsReferences
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