Petrographic Study of Sedimentary Iron Ore in Shendi-Atbara Basin,River Nile State, Sudan
This paper presents the results of petrographic study of sedimentary iron ore from surface strata of the Shendi-Atbara Basin, River Nile State, Sudan. The aims of this study are to investigate the geological behavior and geological conditions affecting precipitation of sedimentary iron ore. The methodologies have been used to realize the objectives of this study include field work, office work and laboratory work including thin sections and polished sections analysis. According to field observation sedimentary iron ore can broadly be considered as occurring in three major classes:Ferribands iron, ferricrete iron and oolitic iron ores. The modes of occurrence of iron ore were described at the outcrops and vertical sedimentary profiles revealed that the iron occurred in the study area at different types in stratigraphic sequence such as cap, bedded and interbedded conformable with Shendi Formation. Petrographic study of iron ore in collected samples using polarized microscope and ore microscope includes study of the textures and structures of ores to obtain ore history. The main types of textures and structures in studied samples are oolitic, granular, lamellar and bands.According to these results the origin of iron ore is formed by chemical precipitation during chemical weathering of surrounding areas in continental lacustrine environment. The iron ore in study area is potential for future mining works and steel industry
Petrographic; Iron ore; Shendi formation; Conformable; TexturesReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Abubaker A. M. A. Abasher, Sadam H.M.A. Eltayib, El Sheikh M. Abdelrahman, Mohammed M.A. Amlas

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