Comparison of U-spatial Statistics Method with Classical Statistics Results in the Determination of Geochemical Anomalies of Epithermal Gold in Khoshnameh Area, Hashtjin, Iran


  • Mirmahdi Seyedrahimi-Niaraq Faculty of Engineering, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran



In this study, methods based on the distribution model (with and without personal opinion) were used for the separation of anomalous zones, which include two different methods of U-spatial statistics and mean plus values of standard deviation (). The primary purpose is to compare the results of these methods with each other. To increase the accuracy of comparison, regional geochemical data were used where occurrences and mineralization zones of epithermal gold have been introduced. The study area is part of the Hashtjin geological map, which is structurally part of the folded and thrust belt and part of the Alborz Tertiary magmatic complex.Samples were taken from secondary lithogeochemical environments. Au element data concerning epithermal gold reserves were used to investigate the efficacy of these two methods.In the U- spatial statistics method,and criteria were used to determine the threshold, and in the method,the element enrichment index of the region rock units was obtained with grouping these units. The anomalous areas were identified by, and criteria. Comparison of methods was made considering the position of discovered occurrences and the occurrences obtained from these methods,the flexibility of the methods in separating the anomalous zones, and the two-dimensional spatial correlation of the three elements As, Pb, and Ag with Au element. The ability of two methods to identify potential areas is acceptable. Among these methods, it seems the method with criteria has a high degree of flexibility in separating anomalous regions in the case of epithermal type gold deposits.


Geochemical exploration; U-Spatial statistics method; Anomalous area; Epithermal gold


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How to Cite

Seyedrahimi-Niaraq, M. (2021). Comparison of U-spatial Statistics Method with Classical Statistics Results in the Determination of Geochemical Anomalies of Epithermal Gold in Khoshnameh Area, Hashtjin, Iran. Journal of Geological Research, 3(2), 23–40.


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