Structural Exploration of Aeromagnetic Data over Part of Gwagwalada, Abuja for Potential Mineral Targets Using Derivatives Filters
Aeromagnetic data are consistently used for economic interest targeting and geological mapping. Besides solving problems that are concerned with the basement, the method has become a useful tool in exploring minerals,hydrocarbons occurrence,groundwater investigations, and geothermal potentials. This study analyses aeromagnetic data from the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency acquired at 100 m terrain clearance over a section of Gwagwalada in Abuja. The study area spans longitudes 7.0875° E to 7.1458° E and latitude 8.9625° N to 9.0° N (about 27 km2 ). After a reduction to the equator (RTE) transformation, the data is downward continued by 50 m. Different filters are applied to outline area of alteration associated to mineral deposit. Regional geologic structures trend NE - SW.The application of vertical derivatives (FVD and SVD) to the RTE grid enhanced shallow structures which trend NE - SW. Horizontal gradients along the X- and Y- directions enhance geological contacts attributable to blind faults. The Tilt derivative (TD) accentuated fault lines which trend NE - SW.
Aeromagnetic; Derivative filters; Faults; MineralizationReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Egbelehulu Priscillia, Abu Mallam, Abel U. Osagie, Adewumi Taiwo

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