Investigations on River Sediments in Chak Sedimentary Basin, Wardak Province, Afghanistan
This sedimentary is from a largest basin of Afghanistan, which covers an area of 9772 km2. It is located about 80 km, at west side of Kabul. In this research, we studied different types of heavy and light minerals, gravel analysis in river sediments. Logar River is core stream flowing over basin,it carries diverse masses of sediments from dissimilar parts of surroding montians. Further, in the months of summer while snowmelting is started,transfer diverse materials and cause different traces to be made. Area of basin is enclosed by mountain range and separated into two sections,majore part is Khawat Olya and second one is Khawat Sufla. The main aim of study is to characterize different sizes and types of minerals in river load for the previous geological periods. This research is therefore essential to explain different sizes and type of minerals in river sediments, which is no any study has been conducted in the study area. This study found out that the category of sediments is related to the parental materials that are placed in the close mountains such as; gneiss, limestone, and granite, dissimilar varities of conglomerate, slate, schist, reefs, conglomerate and sandston.
Minerals; Gravel analysis; Sieving analysis; Sediments; TerracesReferences
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