Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data of Part of Gwagwalada Abuja Nigeria for Potential Mineral Targets
This study analyzes aeromagnetic data over a section of Gwagwalada in Abuja. The data were obtained from the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency acquired at 100 m terrain clearance. The study area spans longitudes 7.0875 E to 7.1458 E and latitude 8.9625 N to 9.0 N (about 27 km2). The dataset was reduced to the equator (RTE) and downward continued by 50 m. Analytic signal filter was applied on TMI-RTE grid to detect the edges of the magnetic bodies present. The structure was observed to trend NE-SW. The CET lineament map reveals intersections such as junctions and corners on the map. This revealed structure liable for potential mineralization zone. Euler deconvolution technique applied over the transformed dataset ascertain the location and depth of the structure,having a maximum depth of about 421 m and a minimum of about 59 m.Variation in magnetic depth and susceptibility contrast is specified by the gridded SPI depth map.
Aeromagnetic; Lineament; Faults; Total magnetic intensityReferences
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