Review of Proposed Stress-dilatancy Relationships and Plastic Potential Functions for Uncemented and Cemented Sands
Stress-dilatancy relationship or plastic potential function are crucial components of every elastoplastic constitutive model developed for sand or cemented sand. This is because the associated flow rule usually does not produce acceptable outcomes for sand or cemented sand. Many formulas have been introduced based on the experimental observations in conventional and advanced plasticity models in order to capture ratio of plastic volumetric strain increment to plastic deviatoric strain increment (i.e. dilatancy rate). Lack of an article that gathers these formulas is clear in the literature. Thus, this paper is an attempt to summarize plastic potentials and specially stress-dilatancy relations so far proposed for constitutive modelling of cohesionless and cemented sands. Stress-dilatancy relation is usually not the same under compression and extension conditions. Furthermore, it may also be different under loading and unloading conditions. Therefore, the focus in this paper mainly places on the proposed stress-dilatancy relations for compressive monotonic loading. Moreover because plastic potential function can be calculated by integration of stress-dilatancy relationship, more weight is allocated to stress-dilatancy relationship in this research.
Stress-dilatancy; Plastic potential function; Flow rule; Dilatancy rate; Plasticity; Sand; Cemented sandReferences
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