Urban Design Embracing the Wind Environment: Bezigrad Neighbourhood Case Study in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Urban climate is considered one of the most important environmental criteria in urban planning, since it significantly affects the project and its placement in the space. Climate conditions are central to the study, with winds in the urban environment, their direction, intensity and changes taken into consideration designing the new interventions in space. The results of the case study were applied to the project with the intention of supporting and guiding the urban design in order to improve the comfort and quality of the environment. In this article, I explore the question of how individual morphological models affect the micro- and macroclimate conditions.The initial urban solution of the Novi Bezigrad neighbourhood is presented as a realistic model project responding to the existing urban and architectural practices and legal provisions. The project was tested in a computer model and was analysed in terms of the positive and negative effects of its impact on the wind in the planning area and the wider area in the surrounding area. The final urban design derives from the results of wind analysis.
Urban climate; Wind theory; Typology of buildings; Morphology; LandscapeReferences
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