Visual Analysis of Crop Rotation Fallow Patterns in Recent 5 Years Based on CiteSpace
Based on the "Web of Science Core Collection" (SCIE database), this article used the visualization software CiteSpace to visualize and analyze the crop rotation fallow patterns in the past five years. It analyzed the countries, institutions, keywords and hot topics of related literature to explore their research characteristics and development, and to provide reference for crop rotation fallow research and practice. The research shows that: 1) developed countries are the main research force in the field of crop rotation and fallowing, and the connection between the research of each country and each institution is not close; 2) research hotspots can be mainly summarized as: crop growth and yield, greenhouse gas emissions and soil health analysis, and the research in this field is constantly refined, combining macro and micro; 3) In recent years, there is a big gap between China and foreign countries in the field of crop rotation and fallow research. It is necessary to strengthen the cooperation with research institutions in developed countries in Europe and the United States, and to carry out crossregional and interdisciplinary research cooperation to improve the quality of papers and scientific research level.
Crop rotation fallow; Research progress; CiteSpaceReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Na Li, Huifang Xu, Guoqin Huang

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