The Dynamics Mechanism of Vulnerability for Resource-based Enterprise Communities in China
This paper has analyzed the dynamics mechanism of resource enterprises community vulnerability, selected the key factor of resources to establish a nonlinear dynamical model. The model reveals the constrained relation ship between the number of vulnerable enterprises and resource shortage rate, and the same relationship between t vulnerable enterprise numbers and the owning rate of resource market by the biggest enterprise in resource-type enterprises community of China. The results showed that, the shortage rate of resources take up more percentage than the occupancy of resource rate of the strongest enterprises in Enterprise community when D>q. the characteristics and patterns of the Chinese enterprise evolution are as follows, (1) The strongest enterprises n1 will decline or transform in the enterprise community. (2) The enterprises which survived after the shortage of resources will go through three stages: ① resistance stage; ② recovery stage; ③ stable stage. We believe that there are three movements that can make sure the resource-based enterprises community keep growing continuously in the competitive market for resources, (1) understand the enterprise resources shortage rate and the strongest enterprises share in resource rate in enterprise community, (2) follow the even-odd symmetry or odd-even symmetry laws based on the familiarity of a resource economy, (3) put the enterprises in the suitable position.Keywords:
Resource-based enterprise community; Vulnerability; Large enterprise; Nonlinear; DynamicsReferences
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Copyright © 2020 Lichun Hou, Zhenshan Lin, Ping Wang, Fanyuan Zeng, Chao Han

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