Through the Latour concept of philosophy of science of laboratory life, the life course of a (geo) ethnographer researcher is analyzed, in order to establish the emotional or more personal dimensions that do not usually appear in research papers, but that have notable relevance in qualitative research. The text is structured in three large parts:... More
To solve the problems of rural revitalization performance research, a quantitative model of non-oriented range wide EBM (Epsilon-Based Measure)-GML (Global-Malmquist) based on VRS (Variable Returns to Scale) conditions including non-desired outputs is constructed. A comprehensive spatio-temporal heterogeneity research index system of rural revitalization performance is also constructed. Taking the typical rural in Chifeng City as... More
Coastline changes were analyzed considering the land cover types and the analysis of the causes that have determined these changes during the past decades. Through the overlapping of aerial photographs and GIS analysis, the results showed that the land surface increased with respect to the previous stage, gaining terrain to the sea, but this increment was caused... More
Residential environmental quality (REQ) affects human health and quality of life (QoL). Therefore, this study as sessed residents’ perception of the REQ of the Yenagoa metropolis. Data for the study were sourced from the 400 administered questionnaires, which required respondents to rate their REQ based on seven selected indicators (air quality, drinking water quality, housing... More