The rapid transformation of rural settlements into municipalities in Nepal has brought significant changes in land use, and urban expansion and growth patterns mostly through the conversion of agricultural land into the built-up area. The issue is studied taking a case of the rapidly growing town, Barahathawa Municipality of Tarai Region of Sarlahi District. After... More
Residents along the shoreline of the Orashi River have yearly been displaced and recorded loss of lives,farmland,and infrastructures. The Government’s approach has been the provision of relief materials to the victims instead of implementing adequate control measures.This research employs Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission and Google Earth imagery in developing a 3D floodplain map using ArcGIS... More
The study examined the impact of land reclamation on vegetal cover in Bayelsa State. For the purpose of this study, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were adopted. Field observations, questionnaire survey and landsat imagery of land cover changes in the year 1986 and 2018 were generated from the global ground cover facility stream.... More
Deforestation leads to habitat loss while preservation and conservation of the natural forest increase biological diversity. Multiple factors have been reported to be responsible for deforestation and habitat loss, which could either be of human or natural origin.Natural causes of deforestation could be as a result of forest fires, droughts, exotic animals, floods, overpopulation of... More
Incessant monitoring of water is essential in terms of heavy metals and toxic substances as it provides detailed information on aquatic resources. Majority of lagoons receive freshwater from their catchment areas containing industrial and domestic waste. The paper analysed seasonal variations in the distribution and concentrations of Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Cadmium (Cd),and Manganese (Mn)... More