This article engages with and aims to advance the debate about Decolonizing geography, examining its approach to knowledge and its implications for the discipline. Decolonizers draw heavily upon social constructivist and historically-rooted notions of knowledge which emphasize its embeddedness in power relations. While shedding light on the social and political conditions under which knowledge is produced... More
Few explanations of geography’s influence on economic and cognitive development have been proposed. This study was purported to test three development models based on absolute latitude (AL) and additionally addressed altitude above sea level and the particular case of the Amazonía in Peru. Information on 1468 Peruvian districts was obtained from Peru’s Ministry of Education and United... More
Sub-Saharan African cities are uniquely characterized by retail competition influencing outlet location. This work focused on revealing retail outlet location in Uyo and its relationship with distances from the Central Business Districts. Distance was measured along the six major arterial roads that link the city to the central business districts by the use of... More
This study uses a spatial 3-stage least squares approach to model interstate banking of the United States in 1994 and 2014. The method simultaneously takes into account spatial dependence, outward and inward interstate banking and their interaction, and the temporal effects in interstate banking. The study shows that a healthy economic structure, an expanding market,... More