The Size of the Ecumene of the Mediterranean in Ancient Times
For the purpose of this manuscript, we used the old maps of Europe and of the ecumene, as it was known at the time, in order to establish the ecumene properties, as well as the size of the Mediterranean in the time of Ptolemy.We obtained the coordinates (geographic longitude and latitude) from Ptolemy’s map of ecumene of ancient Mediterranean settlements.According to the historical data the coordinates of the Mediterranean ecumene were studied in the 7th century,since the Mediterranean was the centre connecting the civilizations of Europe, Asia and Africa.Although longitudinal and latitudinal errors are large,these coordinates are of great importance for the studies of the past settlements.Today,these settlements are the symbol of civilisation and of human existence.Using the data from 501 settlements overall,we obtained two principal maps of the Mediterranean ecumene with the average density of settlements on the area of 2000 km2.All Ptolemy’s maps, which were used,were of great significance from the scientific point of view, since they made the description of 2000 years old civilization possible.Historically,part of these civilizations,and those formed afterwards,belonged to the Mediterranean.Keywords:
Ptolemy’s ecumene map; Density of settlements; Coordinates; The Mediterranean; Ptolemy; Modern and Ptolemy’s coordinatesReferences
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