Analysis of Gray Water Recycling by Reuse of Industrial Waste Water for Agricultural and Irrigation Purposes
Isfahan industrial province with its numerous industrial estates in its area and consequently the amount of wastewater produced by these settlements is very difficult to deal with. Therefore, the need for proper wastewater treatment and efficient management of industrial waste water from the industrial estates of this province should be seriously addressed and followed up by the authorities. The purpose of this study is the feasibility of reuse of wastewater from industrial settlements for agricultural and irrigation purposes. The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional study. In this study, the average values obtained from the sampling and the results of the experiments on waste water from the industrial waste water treatment plant in Isfahan, 2017, have been used. Average values of BOD5, COD, TSS and so on were compared with the standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency and analyzed in Excel software. According to the results, the average values of COD, BOD5, TSS, SO4, pH and catalyst quality parameters were determined from wastewater effluents of 315,162,93,164 (mg /L), 8.3 and 32.5 (NTU) respectively. The results of the study show that the average values of the quality parameters examined from the effluent of the treatment plant other than BOD5 and COD are within the standard range and the limit for agricultural and irrigation purposes, which may lead to undesirable environmental performance of these two parameters.Keywords:
Gray water; Water recycle; Water quality; Irrigation water users; Industrial usersReferences
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