A Study on Anthropogenic Activities Influencing Flood Vulnerability in Ala Riverfront Residential Areas of Akure, Nigeria
This research investigates anthropogenic activities influencing flood vulnerability in Ala riverfront residential areas of Akure, Nigeria with a view to identifying area susceptible to flood hazard in the river basin and to suggest possible mitigation measures. With respect to data gathering for the study, 265 questionnaires which amounted to 1% of the research population were administered using simple random sampling. Findings from the survey revealed erection of buildings on riparian land and indiscriminate dumping of wastes into river bodies as factors responsible for the blockage of river channels and waterways. It also exposed resident’s poor dispositions to flood forecasts and non-adherence to other management measures. The study concludes by recommending public enlightenment campaign to reducing denizen’s vulnerability to flood disaster. There is the need for provision of waste management and drainage facilities as well as regular dredging of the watercourse to stimulate its absorptive capacity in the event of heavy downpour. It further suggests creation of artificial lake as natural basin to collect huge volume of water discharged from all watersheds leading to the river. Ultimately, stringent efforts of environmental and town planning officers are needed to enforce total compliance to all intended management regulations to check the menace.Keywords:
Anthropogenic activities; Flood vulnerability; Riparian land; Ala riverfront; AkureReferences
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