A Short Note on Linkage of Climatic Records between Terai and Mid-mountain of Central Nepal


  • Binod Dawadi Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal;Kathmandu Center for Research and Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences-Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Ram Hari Acharya Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Dipendra Lamichhane Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Saroj Pudasainee Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Ishwar Kumar Shrestha Department of Statistics, Amrit Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal




The steep North to South (N-S) gradient and complex topography marks significant variations in the spatial and temporal patterns of climatic variation surrounding within a few distances in the Nepal Himalayas. Hence, to validate climatic linkages between the stations under two distinct topographic conditions, the study examines the observational climatic data from 106m a.s.l. and 1801m a.s.l., as a representative station from a plain and hilly area. Different statistical tools including Pearson correlation analysis and a best-fit regression model were applied to analyze climate data. The analysis of 13129 daily average temperature records and 13147 daily total precipitation records showed that the variation in their sum and average of daily, five days, ten days, and monthly values between the stations in the different elevations marked significantly.Despite these variations, temperature records are measured to be consistent in different altitudes and strongly correlated. The precipitation data showed a comparatively weaker correlation. The coefficients (0.85-1.6) with R2 >0.50 in the regression models for the lower elevation and higher elevation station in the mid-mountain region except for the monsoon season. It indicated a similar fluctuation of temperature between these two stations in the respective area. The strong degree of association and the change of climatic parameters in different range and elevations indicate the possibilities of using climatic data from Terai to represent the Mid-mountain region of central Nepal.


Climatic linkage; Regression model; Paleoclimatic calibration; Terai; Mid-mountain


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How to Cite

Dawadi, B., Acharya, R. H., Lamichhane, D., Pudasainee, S., & Shrestha, I. K. (2020). A Short Note on Linkage of Climatic Records between Terai and Mid-mountain of Central Nepal. Journal of Geographical Research, 3(4), 29–35. https://doi.org/10.30564/jgr.v3i4.2323


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