Implication of Household’s Income Composition on Infrastructure Maintenance in Residential Core of Akure, Nigeria
This study examines the implication of household income composition on infrastructure maintenance in the residential core of Akure, Nigeria with a view to providing suggestive recommendations that will remedy identified problems in the research locale. With regards to this, an estimated of 1% research population, amounting to 425, were served with questionnaires using systematic random sampling technique with replacement. Findings revealed that residents in the study area are low income earners with larger population influenced by market proximity, low prices of staple food items and affordable but tumbledown housing. Likewise, essential facilities are in poor state owing to poor maintenance. Besides, household income induced variables considered in the study, which accounted for 75.6% of the challenges limiting routine facilities maintenance in the study area. The study recommends skill acquisition training, resource collaborative efforts and soft loans scheme to boost the income generation of residents in this locale.
Household income; Infrastructure maintenance; Concession; Residential core; AkureReferences
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