KRIFS Quartet Model Improving Livelihoods and Fueling Tourism in Kitagwenda District,Western Uganda
Kyabwanswa Rural Integrated Farming Systems (KRIFS) is a Community Based Organization (CBO) with its Head Office in Kitagwenda Town Council. KRIFS quartet model involves emphasis of integrating four agricultural activities namely: Apiculture, agro-forestry, coffee and at least one type of livestock. The paper utilizes data obtained from January 2017 surveys, interviews, focus group discussions and observations by the authors. The authors observe that the four activities are symbiotic income generating enterprises. The quartet model has greatly contributed in reducing poverty, increasing agricultural productivity, facilitating value addition, conserving the environment, halting biodiversity loss and mitigating climate change. The model is strongly hinged on training of farmers in organized groups more especially the youth and the women.The involvement of KRIFS in integrated farming that involves introducing new innovations to improve production and productivity in agriculture through improved breeds of livestock and crops as well as environmental conservation being pivotal in its operations, has culminated to agro-tourism in the district. The authors recommend that the model be implemented in the whole of Uganda. Apiculture should be included in the priority commodity list for the parish model. Agro-tourism is yet another economi cactivity that should be exploited to reduce unemployment, conserve the environment and reduce effects of climate change.
KRIFS; Quartet model; Apiculture; Agro-forestry; Agro-tourism; Climate changeReferences
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Copyright © 2021 Fredrick Ruguma Tumwine, Hosea Opedes, Jennifar Tumushabe

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