An Automated Process of Creating 3D City Model for Monitoring Urban Infrastructures
This paper describes the process of designing models and tools for an automated way of creating 3D city model based on a raw point cloud.Also, making and forming 3D models of buildings. Models and tools for creating tools made in the model builder application within the ArcGIS Pro software. An unclassified point cloud obtained by the LiDAR system was used for the model input data. The point cloud, collected by the airborne laser scanning system (ALS), is classified into several classes: ground, high and low noise, and buildings. Based on the created DEMs, points classified as buildings and formed prints of buildings, realistic 3D city models were created. Created 3D models of cities can be used as a basis for monitoring the infrastructure of settlements and other analyzes that are important for further development and architecture of cities.
3D city model; Infrastructure; Automated processing; Point cloud; Model builderReferences
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Copyright © 2022 Mirko Borisov, Vladimir Radulović, Zoran Ilić, Vladimir M. Petrović, Nenad Rakićević

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