Mapping Vehicular Noise Pollution in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State, Nigeria: Implication for a Sustainable Urbanization
This study aims to investigate geo-referenced vehicular noise pollution in Port Harcourt metropolis of Rivers State, Nigeria. Three types of data were gathered for this study. Data from vehicular traffic noise were measured in decibel (dB) using Noise Dosimeter (ND); data from vehicular traffic counts were carried out by observing and counting traffic flow at junctions and roundabouts as well as vehicular traffic noise location map was established by using Global Positioning System (GPS) instrument processed in the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. The findings indicated that in the northern segment, Igwurita (99.5 dB) and New road roundabout (96 dB), generated the highest vehicular noise in the spatial distribution. In the eastern road segments, Eleme Flyover (98.1 dB) and Artillery Junction (95.5 dB) contributed the highest vehicular noise levels. In the northern segment, New Road (2311 vehicles) and Igwuruta (1566 vehicles) at the roundabouts, generated the highest vehicular traffic counts in the spatial distribution. Thus, among the eastern roads, Eleme Flyover (6735 vehicles) and Artillery Junction (5539 vehicles) contributed the highest vehicular counts in the area. The results showed that the northern and eastern segments of Port Harcourt metropolis had the highest level of vehicular traffic noise and traffic flow. Thus, the vehicular noise level values have exceeded the recommended 75 dB national and international health standards.The study recommended construction of more road network in the southern and western parts of Port Harcourt metropolis in order to decongest traffic flow and noise pollution in the northern and eastern segments of the city.
Geo-referencing; Vehicles; Noise; Pollution; HealthReferences
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