Spatial Accessibility of Bakeries and Supermarkets in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
The recent events and constant global changes show the importance of rethinking city planning. In this context, the 15-Minute City concept got important as it brings people closer to activities and services, through short trips by active modes, being the key to a sustainable city. Based on this concept, this paper analysed the spatial accessibility of residents of Belo Horizonte (Brazil) to two establishments essential to the quality of life: bakeries and supermarkets. The analyses were made through the influence areas, spatial clusters, and the Local Indicators of Spatial Association. The results showed that bakeries are more accessible than supermarkets, which are not accessible to the entire population, especially in low-density and low-income regions. In addition, areas with potential for new projects were identified by the relationship between existing facilities (supermarkets or bakeries) and population density/income. Finally, the results highlight the challenges for developing sustainable cities considering the 15-Minute City concept throughout the territory of Belo Horizonte.
Accessibility; Spatial distribution; Bakeries and supermarkets; Spatial analysis; 15-Minute City; 16 sustainable citiesReferences
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Copyright © 2022 João Guilherme da Costa Braga França, Isabela Kopperschmidt de Oliveira, Leise Kelli de Oliveira

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