Peri-urban Development: Discussion with Land Use Zoning, Statutory Provision, and Issues inside Katahari Rural Municipality, Nepal
The peri-urban area is a transitional zone between the city and its hinterlands characterized by mixed land use and intensive flows of resources, people, goods, and services from and to the city center. These zones are generally misguided and haphazardly developed without a proper planning framework. The peri-urban area at present will be the urban area in the future; therefore, it needs planning intervention in its initial stage of growth. Katahari, a peri-urban area of Biratnagar metropolitan city, is developing a spontaneous lack of land use plans. Recently, the Government of Nepal has encouraged the local government to implement land use plans in the provided framework, policy, and guidelines. This study, in this context, attempts to analyze and identify land use issues and potential zones for Katahari rural municipality that also supports planning urban development in the future. The study is based on primary and secondary data and information supported by maps and figures. It is concluded that Katahari has been developed as a multi-function center adjoining the Biratnagar metropolitan city, and future expansion of the city will cover a wide range of rural municipalities. The postal highway that passes through it has attracted a wide range of urban functions. Agriculture, residential, commercial, and industrial are the main land use category at present and needs development control through providing land use zoning and related planning instruments through the increasing role of the stakeholder and the government agencies in the decision-making processes and implementation of spatial development frameworks to regulate peri-urban development in the area which will guide the future planning for liability, economic viability, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability in the area. Spill-over development activities of Biratnagar, have increased the number of economic activities, population growth, and mixed-use development.
Peri-urban; Land use; Urban expansion; Spill-over development; Rural municipality; AgricultureReferences
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