Changes in Mediterranean Coastline According to the Coastal Type and Land Cover under Climate Change: The Case of South-east Spain
Coastline changes were analyzed considering the land cover types and the analysis of the causes that have determined these changes during the past decades. Through the overlapping of aerial photographs and GIS analysis, the results showed that the land surface increased with respect to the previous stage, gaining terrain to the sea, but this increment was caused by anthropogenic processes. In fact, without human pressure, the land surface beside the coastal line would have decreased, especially on the sandy beaches and coastal dunes. Therefore, the beaches are one of the most vulnerable ecosystems and geomorphological systems due to erosion and lack of sediment supply associated with the modified river courses (i.e. by the construction of reservoirs, concrete channeling, etc.), the inner land use changes, and the effects of global warming on the sea level. Climate change studies predict specific increases in the sea level along the coast. The aim of this work is to know if anthropic activity can reverse the effects of sea level rise and coastal erosion. In fact, it has been done for decades with measures aimed to correct impacts and favour economic activity (i.e. maintaining tourism resources) and not from the environmental issues
Aerial photography; Coastal changes; Coastal erosion; GIS analysis; Sea levelReferences
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