Combating Climate Change and Global Warming for a Sustainable Living in Harmony with Nature
As humanity has been polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, the planet is getting warmed up which is triggering the frequency and the intensity of extreme events like heat waves, dry conditions, wildfires, cyclones, tornadoes, lightning, and massive flooding all over the planet Earth. There is considerable evidence that the concentration of greenhouse gases, especially that of CO2 has steadily increased in the atmosphere as a result of the indiscriminate use of fossil fuels around the world particularly during the last 70 years. The glaciers in the high mountain and polar regions are diminishing fast, sea levels are rising, and food production is being affected severely in certain parts of the world. In fact, the changing climate has currently become one of the major threats to the survival of civilization. The world scientific communities are warning of a climate emergency and requesting the decision makers to promptly respond and act to sustain life on planet Earth. To deliver net zero emissions by the year 2050, the whole world must phase out the technologies such as coal-powered thermal plants and diesel/petrol/gasoline-powered vehicles which release abundant amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and invest in the development of clean energies such as hydel, wind, solar, space-solar, and nuclear energies. This transition to a low carbon economy with the help of these technologies together with other technologies such as hydrogen fuel, fuel cells, electric vehicles, and massive plantations is expected to take our planet Earth to a safe zone in the coming 20-30 years.
Greenhouse gases; Ocean acidification; Diminishing of glaciers; Sea level rise; Carbon capture; Direct air capture; Critical minerals in deep-seaReferences
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