Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection in Dambatta Local Government Area
This research studied the spatiotemporal changes in land use (LU)/land cover (LC) in Dambatta local government area, with a view to identifying the effect arising from the observable changes in land use patterns. The imageries used in the study were obtained from the National Space Research and Development Agency (NARSDA), Abuja. Spatial analytical techniques and descriptive statistical techniques were employed to analyze the data. The results showed 66.8% reduction in agricultural lands, 45.5% reduction in vegetation cover, 223.2% increase in built-up areas, 269.1% increase in bare lands and 70% increase in water bodies within the 20 years. Spatio-temporal analysis of the three imageries revealed that agricultural lands were largely been taken over by urbanization while vegetation had rapidly given way to bare lands within the 20 years. It was observed that these changes resulted from anthropogenic activities, environmental factors and climate change. These result in the loss of farmlands, inadequate food supply, unemployment, inadequate industrial raw materials, reduction in revenue generated, forest depletion, desertification, wildlife extinction and temperature increase. While it is recommended that reforestation, land reclamation and irrigation agriculture should be promoted in the area, it is also suggested that further research should focus on the impact of climate change on land cover change in the area.
Dambatta; GIS; Land cover; Land use; Spatio-temporal changesReferences
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