Nitrogen Release Characteristics of a Bag Controlled Release Fertilizer
Slow release fertilizers are designed to enhance crop yield and minimizing the loss of nitrogen (N) to environment. However, N release in leaching and loss in ammonia emission from bag controlled release fertilizers have not been previously evaluated under the standardized conditions in soil. Accordingly, a laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the characteristics of N release from a bag controlled fertilizer with 1, 3, 5 and 7 rows of hole (B-1, B-3, B-5, B-7) and a kraft bag without hole (B-W). The results showed that the amount of N leaching of B-1, B-3, B-5, B-7 and B-W were significantly lower than urea fertilizer without bag (U). The maximum N release from the fertilizers followed the order: U (83.16%) > B-7 (54.61%) > B-5 (54.02%) > B-W (51.51%) > B-3 (48.87%) > B-1 (38.60%) during the experimentation. Compared with U treatment, ammonia volatilization losses were significantly decreased by B-1, B-3, B-5, B-7 and B-W treatments. Based on N release and loss, a suitable bag with holes should be considered in practice when using the bag controlled fertilizer to meet an environment good objective. The evaluation method merits further study combined with field experiment.
Bag controlled release fertilizer; Nitrogen; Ammonia volatilization; Incubation studyReferences
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