Bacterial Microflora on Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and Culture Water Associated with Public Health Concern
Quantitative and qualitative analyses of important bacterial content for public health concern (total bacterial count, total coliforms, faecal coliforms, Salmonella and Vibrio cholerae) of cultured fresh water prawn and farm water which has significant role in order to manage sustainable aquaculture were carried out. Microbiological parameters of prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and farm water were determined by following the ISO standard methods. Total bacterial Count (standard plate count) found in prawn samples ranged from 5.55 to 5.71 log CFU/g while 4.13 to 4.18 log CFU/mL in water sample. On the other hand, total coliforms found in prawn sample ranged between 1.96 to 2.46 log CFU/g whereas in water sample 2.07 to 2.46 log CFU/mL total coliforms were detected. In case of faecal coliforms, the number ranged between 0.96 to 1.42 log CFU/g in prawn sample and 1.59 to 1.81 in water sample. While Vibrio cholerae was absent in both prawns and water sample and Salmonella was detected in two tested ponds for both prawn and water sample.
M. rosenbergii; Farm water; Bacterial load; SalmonellaReferences
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