Does Environmental Laws and Policies Work? A Review Of Ghana’s Case
Enforcing environmental laws and policies has been one of the pressing agenda globally. Despite the mandate given to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the Act 490, there are still numerous environmental issues unaddressed in Ghana. This paper is geared towards unravelling and identifying the current additions that have been made to existing literature on environmental laws and policies in Ghana. This paper made a wide-ranging general literature review to outline significant contributions concerning environmental laws and policies. Numerous environmental laws and policies were identified but have been fragmented and are not codified in a particular document. It is evident from the review of literature existing that there are still areas for advanced research on the topic of environmental laws and policies placing more emphasis on institution concerned with environmental issues at global level. The study recommended the need for capacity building for environmental personnel and data due to the numerous technological advancement to better assist the implementation and enforcement of environmental laws in Ghana.
Environmental laws; Environmental policies; Environmental Protection Agency; Law enforcement; Act 490; GhanaReferences
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Copyright © 2020 Aboagye Emmanuel Mensah, Attobrah Justice, Owusu Nana Osei, Fletcher Henrietta

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