Diversity and Threats of Avifauna in Cheleleka Wetland, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
This study was conducted in Cheleleka Wetland, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia to assess Species diversity and threats of aviafuana from August to February 2019. Data were analysed by using Simpson’s and Shannon-Weiner Index in analysing biodiversity indices. One way ANOVA was applied for analysis of the effect of season on the composition and abundance of species. Questionnaire surveys, key informant interviews and focus group discussion were also used to determine the threats of avifauna in the study area. The result indicated that 49 avian species record under 21 families and 10 orders during both the wet and dry seasons. The Shannon-Weiner diversity index shown that highest bird species diversity (H’=3.42) was recorded during wet season. Over grazing, agricultural expansion, settlement and sand extraction were the major avifaunal threats in the wetland. The result suggests that the need to conserve the avifauna through the conservation of their habitats by creating awareness to the local people and it will enable to decrease biodiversity threats.
Species richness; Cheleleka wetland; Bird; ThreatsReferences
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