Impacts of Terrorism on Biodiversity Management in West Africa Sahel: A Review
Over the past 50 years, a number of homegrown solutions and international development assistance have been initiated and implemented to address the West Africa Sahel region’s biodiversity resources decline. This ranges from indigenous/community led natural resources regeneration and land restoration techniques, funding and technical support in developing protected areas, military aid, specialized training of forest rangers and massive education of populace on biodiversity protection. Terrorist activities have negatively affected the biodiversity management in West Africa Sahel. However, there is a paucity of information about the impacts of terrorist activities on biodiversity management in West Africa. Therefore, this study tries to close this knowledge gap by describing and highlighting the impact of terrorism on biodiversity in West Africa Sahel. The authors used a systematic review of data through search engines like Google scholar, Z-library, Mendeley, Researchgate and Jstor for reports, scientific articles, books, field notes and other already published materials. The authors also consulted videos and media reports on YouTube, France24, PBS news etc. The study highlighted the key impacts of terrorist activities on biodiversity management. Some of these include the kidnaping of foresters, hijacking and controlling the management protected area like the case of Park W, destroying forest/bush fires, the use of explosive and poaching. These activities destroy animals’ habitats and therefore causing biodiversity depletion. The authors recommend the enhancement of the framework of protect areas, enhance the management of conflicts between population around protected areas as some sustainable solutions to biodiversity management. The Sahel states should strengthen their cooperation in building the capacities of the citizens in reducing the viability of terrorism through sustainable green jobs.
Terrorism; Biodiversity; West Africa Sahel; ManagementReferences
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