Evaluation of Plant Diversity for Sustainable and Inclusive Management in Rural Areas: A Case Study from Daressalam, Niger
Plant biodiversity plays a major role for sustaining livelihood of rural population. However, unsustainable exploitation of woody plants for firewood in Niger is creating ecological challenges. This study aims to evaluate plant species composition, richness and equitability for sustainable and inclusive management in rural areas. Plot vegetation inventory method was employed. Forty-eight plots each measuring 2500 m2 were laid down systematically on a transect with the village at the centre. On each plot, plant species were identified and the number of each species counted. A total of twenty-five (25) plant species belonging to thirteen (13) families were identified among which Guiera senegalensis J. F. Gmel. accounted for 61%. The Shannon index was low (H’ = 0.45) as well as species equitability (E = 0.14). Species richness differed significantly (p < 0.000) with land use type with agroforestry parklands recording significantly higher species compared to plateaus. For effective plant biodiversity restoration and management, irrigated agroforestry is recommended to restore ecological balance and to assure and improve the quality of plant biodiversity in the study area.
Guiera senegalensis; Diversity indices; Sustainable and inclusive management; Land useReferences
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