New Concept of Animal Underpass - Green Bridge
In Poland, the ecological corridor map overlaps with forests, as well as with the road network. The police have recorded near a 100% increase in animal mortality over the last decade. In most cases, bridges automatically serve as passages for animals, even if they have not been considered and designed for such a role. The following facts are importand: silence is positive for animals, natural guides are better then fences and walls, gentle lighting moderates car lights at night. Therefore, the semi-transparent canopy-type noise screens should be used, as well as olfactory tracks. The solution proposed here is beneficial for both the environment and road users. For the proper functioning of the bridge, it is crucial to take into consideration that animals are more efficiently guided by their smell than by channelling fences. However, the commonly used fences would also be provided. Olfactory traces can come in two kinds: animal faecal matter and mating scents. In a natural habitat, decreasing the immediate proximity between animals and humans should also be considered. A multi-criteria analysis was conducted to prove benefits both in terms of bridge maintenance effort and the impact on the environment. The criteria were selected on the basis of expert opinions.
Ecology; Green bridge; Environment; Sustainable development; Animal mortalityReferences
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